Work Vests



    A work vest is a personal flotation device (PFD) used by crew members. It has been designed to keep you afloat if you fall into the water. WORK VESTS MUST BE WORN AND FASTENED ANYTIME YOU ARE TRANSITING FROM BOAT TO DOCK OR ARE OTHERWISE WORKING OVER THE SIDE OF THE BOAT. An experienced crew member will show you how to properly don (put on) the work vest. It is important to begin by straightening out the straps and fastening it correctly so that it will properly work for you should you need it. It only takes a few seconds to secure it properly and it could save your life. Always keep it in good condition and return it to its proper storage place because other crew members may need to use it. Unfortunately, you’ll never know when you will need it. Remember, it is up to you to take an active role in your own personal safety.




    Prior to moving or lifting an object look it over and if there are no lifting instructions or handles on it, decide where to hold it and look for sharp edges or slick spots. Check out the path that you have selected for tripping hazards. As a general safety precaution, you should never attempt to lift heavy or bulky items by yourself. If two persons are needed to lift or move an object, one person should be in charge and indicate when to lift, move and lower. If available, use a lifting support belt. Place your feet as close to the object being lifted and position your feet sufficiently apart for balance. Squat down, straddle the object somewhat and keep your back straight. Grasp object firmly and lift. Do not jerk the weight but try to lift smoothly using the large muscles in the legs by straightening them out; do not lift with your back. Keep the object in close to your body. If you have to change directions, move your entire body instead of twisting your back. When putting the object down, reverse the lifting procedure being careful not to pinch your fingers or toes. You should never lift gangways or ramps by yourself. Gangways require at least 2 deckhands to lift.



    PREVENTING Slips and Falls


    The most common injury on board or in the adjacent area of the vessel to both passengers and crew members is the one caused by slips or falls. You notice this is repeated throughout this manual, but cannot be stressed enough.  Just as many of these accidents happen to experienced crew members as they do to the new deckhand, so stay vigilant to hazards at all times.  Slips and falls can usually be prevented by keeping your work space clean and clear. Water, liquids or debris on the deck, gangways or stairwells should be cleaned and dried immediately. Horseplay or running is strictly forbidden. Use of the handrails when using the stairwells is encouraged. Be prepared for the vessel to move unexpectedly at any time. 


    You will be responsible for patrolling the vessel and preventing the hazards that might cause a slip or fall.  Watch for wet surfaces, loose gear, broken equipment, loose carpets and runner mats: all these could trip a fellow crew member or a passenger.  If you can’t fix the situation notify the captain or manager. 


    Click here to watch DVD about Slips, Trips and Falls


    Personal Protection Equipment


    Personal protection equipment is used to protect you from hearing loss, damage to your eyes and respiratory system.  Use of this equipment is not optional; it is not “macho” to decide you don’t need safety equipment. You will put both yourself and the company at risk by not using the provided equipment. 


    Eye protection equipment is required when working with or around equipment tools, or areas that have flying debris. Always follow operating instructions when using this type of equipment and make sure that your eye protection is securely fastened.


    Hearing protection is also required in certain designated “high noise” areas of the vessel. The engine room is just one area that you must wear hearing protection. Certain tools that you may use will also require you to wear these. The general rule of thumb is if you must raise your voice to be heard from two feet away, hearing protection should be used.


    Latex gloves are found onboard for handling black water (sewage) and grey water (used sink water). Anytime you are involved in pump out procedures, whether handling the pump out hose or operating the sewage pump you should wear latex gloves.


    Click here to watch a DVD about Safety for the Crew



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